Friday, April 28, 2006

Since it is a VERY personal account of life ...

It challenges the limits of my patience and all the good will that I have, whenever i need to go through the italian bureaocracy.

Yesterday it was raining, I stuck in the chaotic traffic for enough time to have my nerves quite streched, could not find a parking post so had to leave the car somewhere on the stripes, had to wait in line and and bargain with gentleman? responding to me, to be kind enough and give more helpful hints rather than usual nonesense, was asked for some more ID card Photo's and a few copies of docs (God, in the last month , i have given them some 12 Photo's) and obtained nothing but a couple of telephone numbers to contact that nobody answered and a fax sent to request the status of my previous request.

To sweeten my day , add a fine of 71 € for parking on the stripes.

Not to mention all the soaking clothes i had after running under the damn rain to find a photo booth and some one who can give me a photocopy of my documents.

But there are always good signs. aAt least if I am not able to change THEM , I can change my own status .

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Beluga meets human

Beluga meets human
Originally uploaded by lil.
While i was playing with my flickr account, i came across this very lovely picture, which looks so sureal, (surreale?),

What whould he/she say to us? We are the captors, does any one of the people around feel the urge to set him/her free?

I can not take my eyes away from this image.

Why not we go to the deep blue and see them in their natural habitat.

Nonetheless, I cannot express but my admiration for the photographer and a deep love for this beautiful soul.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Silence at the top - part 2

At the top, actually on the top of this hill, there is this small sanctury of "Madonna della guardia".

We drove maybe for 5-6 minutes a very steep road , spiraling up the mountain. I am sure that swift pass could have taken a nice walk in old times, and I was thinking maybe one of these days i give it a try.

From the courtyard of the chapel which is like a very big terrace , there is a very scenic panorama of the valley of Liri river.

Maybe the permanent feeling i had in that moment was a mixture of calm and curoisity. Somehow I was thinking that there should have been a reason that people have choosen places like this to meditate.

That surrounding nature, is so overwhelmingly beatiful that makes you quiet , impressed.

Many things that you think about , worry about , and forget about , when you are down in the valley, lose color when you are there, Admiring and let the breeze silently feel your soul.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Silence at the top

I was a very unique moment in that narrow and brownish alleys. We decided to have a walk after a mega-lunch at my friend's , so we ended up doing some siteseeing,

well, this has nothing to do with my self image, except that I liked this pic. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Friday, April 14, 2006

My easter goat

So, it was a warm and sunny day in April and we decided to have lunch at a horse riding club just in front of the offices where I work where I managed to capture this lovley Mr. or Mrs goat. ( I couldnt check more )

Friday, April 07, 2006

One who can do well the small things ...

I feel real bad about what i had in office today, maybe because i am not that big as this vase, so i can hardly keep too much stuff in my heart. Posted by Picasa