Friday, April 28, 2006

Since it is a VERY personal account of life ...

It challenges the limits of my patience and all the good will that I have, whenever i need to go through the italian bureaocracy.

Yesterday it was raining, I stuck in the chaotic traffic for enough time to have my nerves quite streched, could not find a parking post so had to leave the car somewhere on the stripes, had to wait in line and and bargain with gentleman? responding to me, to be kind enough and give more helpful hints rather than usual nonesense, was asked for some more ID card Photo's and a few copies of docs (God, in the last month , i have given them some 12 Photo's) and obtained nothing but a couple of telephone numbers to contact that nobody answered and a fax sent to request the status of my previous request.

To sweeten my day , add a fine of 71 € for parking on the stripes.

Not to mention all the soaking clothes i had after running under the damn rain to find a photo booth and some one who can give me a photocopy of my documents.

But there are always good signs. aAt least if I am not able to change THEM , I can change my own status .


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