Saturday, November 25, 2006

I want my money baack, My job is like a cul -de-sac

And the bus is too infrequent at 6.30.
Why dont they pa me more?
Life was good before
and i am thirsty.

this is what i really needed this morning, after having passed a stormy night and big fight with my GF , it is kind of funny to hear to this song, a good avenue to make your complaints , into a song and have a nice time.
Gosh, my left arm is still semi numb.Am i getting old or should i cut the fastfood.
can i complain about the fastfoods?

And why are fastfood so sad and boring

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

being damn tired ...

So i spent the whole day playing around with my linux box , and reading the blogs and manuals.
Now i have a LAMP ( Linux, apache, MySQL and PHP ) installation :-) and finally i can start playing with a variety of CSM's.

Up runners would be PHPNuke and Nucleus. We eed to chose something easy to set up and maintain.

I had a good time reading this "market insight", focusing on the US tourism.Something quite interesting is that US is second to Germany in spending on travelling abroad.
Again a thumbs up for germans, maybe it's time for me to do the right thing ans start learning some german. ;-)

And now off to bed, oh by the way i think this video talks what i feel:

Sunday, November 19, 2006

A day trip to viterbo - part 2

So some info about the SUTRI (m 291, ab.5482) and the legends surronding these riuns

Sutri has been an important and strategic etruscan center.The name derives from the god Saturn, which in the etruscan language should have been Sutrian or Suthrina. For which the emblem of the town is Saturn on back of a horse holding three ears of corn.

The town was invaded by the Romans and became an ally in 391 B.C and falls back into the hands of etruscans in 381 B.C who force the population to leave the town.

The leggend says that Furio Camillo saw these people and out of pity he recapture the town before the midnight, thus leaving the town to have changed side two times in a single day giving birth to the proverb "ire satrium" referring to something easy.

Here we had the chance to see the amphiteate that is wholy excavated in the stone and is one of the oldest monuments in Lazio.
It has the form of an eclipse ( 40x49 mt)


A day trip to sutri

Today we went to Viterbo,

a beutifull town located north of the Rome and in the Tuscia region. The region is rich in the natural resources and turist attraction and being an Etruscan region and on the Cassia Road, it is always a good choice to get out of the hectic metropoli life and jump into something mistic.

At least this is my feeling about Viterbo as I walk in the historical center, i feel being in one of the scenes of the "Lord of the rings", it is so gray and medieval.

But like many things in life , the beauty is not at the destination ( as we arrived there after the sunset anyway) but it is by the way.
This is how we found this nice, post card scenery as we just stopped to take some pics from this tree ( i am still trying find out the specie. the sign read "Cedro palude" originaly from the misissipi )

then i found out that we were in the historical site near the town of Sutri. I am goig to post some more foto's and tommorw i think i am going to add a google map to this page and put all the links refering to them.

i still have to post more foto's and there are more to say , but after sipping a few glasses of this DOC wine of 2001 - "Terra dei volsci"( again from the region around the river Liri in the south Lazio) , i am having some trouble finding the keyboard.

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Good day

a good day in Rome, in cinecittà area.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

There arrived the fall ....

i have writtern this post a few days ago , but i dont know why it has not been uploaded.
anyway, i took this shot last week and it seemed to me that it needed publishing.

any comment ?

Time passes, flies, whatever .... and in all this , I am thinking to start a new activity very different from what i am doing now as the celebrated computer programmer (read , awfully stressed, opressed, coffee marinated individual)