Saturday, April 22, 2006

Silence at the top - part 2

At the top, actually on the top of this hill, there is this small sanctury of "Madonna della guardia".

We drove maybe for 5-6 minutes a very steep road , spiraling up the mountain. I am sure that swift pass could have taken a nice walk in old times, and I was thinking maybe one of these days i give it a try.

From the courtyard of the chapel which is like a very big terrace , there is a very scenic panorama of the valley of Liri river.

Maybe the permanent feeling i had in that moment was a mixture of calm and curoisity. Somehow I was thinking that there should have been a reason that people have choosen places like this to meditate.

That surrounding nature, is so overwhelmingly beatiful that makes you quiet , impressed.

Many things that you think about , worry about , and forget about , when you are down in the valley, lose color when you are there, Admiring and let the breeze silently feel your soul.


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