Sunday, December 31, 2006

The new year ..., and the emotions are running high

The very personal account.

I'll start this last post of 2006 by saying how i feel now, rather than the typical 10 best/worst things.

I sing, I dance,
I feel great, i feel good.

I love you,
I think i should

Not, but anyway,
I'm far too happier to even care
if i ever should.

I have this feeling that my chest is pulling me forward, as if it is walking in front of me. or like an impatient kid hurrying to open the xmass gifts, i cant i rocking or is it my world that is rocking?

"amor che muove il sole e l’altre stelle".

Friday, December 29, 2006

One flew east, one flew west.One Flew Over the Coco's Nest

I had my contract signed, so i have some financial stability for the next coming months, and who konws , i m looking for alternatives, maybe i quit before the end of the next year.

This was not the case for some of my colleagues and in particular two of my close friends, their contracts was not rinnovated, after some 15 years in office. The management is trying the reduce the costs and sell the biz, and in all this shit, what does not appear to have any value, is humane relationship.

I'm really disappointed now, reading my friend's farewell letter, impressed me a lot and kind of brought tears to my eyes.

I am sure he will find something better, but it is hard and i can feel it on my own skin.

I hope this period ends soon, so one can underestand where the hell s/he stands and continue to work. People are anxious here, and nobody is secure about the future, i wonder how a company can operate with this level of the morale??!

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Friday, December 22, 2006

Hard times

Hard times in office, the Gang of mamagement is really playing wicked this year, i think of it as a long and prolonged halloween. we still dont know if they are going to renew our contracts or not. So far all we have heard was that everything is OK, but nothing on the paper, with the season of mergers ahead, now it seems to be worrysome.

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Office etiquette, ... boh

This is a dilemma, how to avoid shaking hand with a colleague that you've seen him not washing his hands after having shook hand with his best frined in the toilette?

It is kind of embarassing, but funny.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Lots of things happened in the last 2 days or better on this last sunday.And since it is something that i will remember (at least for a while) i thought it worths inscribing in the stone , like some roman monument and giving it a pompous title.

so here are the events:

1 - the idea of running a self-catering business in ischia.i finally gave it a try and went down the the island with my friends.It was a real nice experience and fomr me being an office potato, it was a real adventure.I will write later about the story in the ischia blog.

2 - The Derby effect, Lazio won the derby against Rome, sad event for me.Anyway I wanted Rome to win.

3 - After a 2 month tormenting period of partnership, me and my gf decided to seperate , at least our apartments, at this moment i dont know yet if we come back, there is a good 1% chance, but i tend to hope in that. more on that later i think.

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Monday, December 04, 2006

a mid afternoon autumn dream

so this is my work that took almost all my sunday.

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