Sunday, November 19, 2006

A day trip to viterbo - part 2

So some info about the SUTRI (m 291, ab.5482) and the legends surronding these riuns

Sutri has been an important and strategic etruscan center.The name derives from the god Saturn, which in the etruscan language should have been Sutrian or Suthrina. For which the emblem of the town is Saturn on back of a horse holding three ears of corn.

The town was invaded by the Romans and became an ally in 391 B.C and falls back into the hands of etruscans in 381 B.C who force the population to leave the town.

The leggend says that Furio Camillo saw these people and out of pity he recapture the town before the midnight, thus leaving the town to have changed side two times in a single day giving birth to the proverb "ire satrium" referring to something easy.

Here we had the chance to see the amphiteate that is wholy excavated in the stone and is one of the oldest monuments in Lazio.
It has the form of an eclipse ( 40x49 mt)



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