Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Rome is full of life, and for me it is always a colourful flow of sentiments.
Rome, a vivid life


At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rome was a place I dreamed of always seeing. I felt there was reason for this since a young girl, a draw to a place for an unknown reason. Coming from a small town, with life so sheltered, I sometimes can't believe it when I stepped off the plane. In my journey of courage to go somewhere so far away from home alone, and in my attempts to find myself. I met a spirited man, that has insight and deep thought that I would come to appreciate more and more in the future. Most people would be afraid of such a journey and meeting someone so far from home. But no matter where we were, where we are, or how far away we end up, he will always probably for me remain a compass in my rough waters of life. What he says in these messages fails in comparison to what he can speak and communicate in his own very special ways. He is the eternal optomist, and my eyes in my times of blindness. Thank you for that.


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